Like a Butterfly

2 min readNov 12, 2022


This one time I started writing about plastic flowers and how mother Earth despises this war against her

How irony is a word that humanity developed

and at the end of this war of wires

it is humanity that dies away leaving wires to be the climbing ropes for creepers

our phone cases homes to snails

and paintbrushes, the hiding places for shrimps

But then my thoughts faded away from futility

away from a future,

I will not live to see

and landed on you

I had made you my arrival so often that no more flights departed from your airport and I, the only passenger longed to forever live in this cascade of empty journeys

It is now a war between Gaia and I

Mother, why

I am going to die, let me live till then with flowery thoughts of him and I

You will live, your bruises will heal

You will be free from the torment of greed

Go now, I don't want to think of you anymore

Let him enter my thoughts

This is a cry for help

For love is dying

The poets are dead and the painters are killed and lovers don't like to love

Why are the gardens of Babylon only in my heart? What do you mean love is going to fall apart?

Like a butterfly, I flutter aimlessly from one agony to another

Every bud and leaf, a flytrap, poison laden through and through

Only to land on you

…and you


