Yellow wildflowers

1 min readJul 24, 2024


I know I haven’t been to the stream

I went to buy a canvas

And met someone at the market

We bought paints, brushes

Sat in the wooden house drawing valleys

And castles

You know how I love making castles

Seasons passed and our little wooden house

Changed into an overflowing gallery

When we ran out of paint

He went back to buy more

Came back with only ink

Are you going to write our story behind the canvas babe?

He splashed it on me

Hurled it across all our paintings

It’s okay we are wild

What’s life without a little fun

He bought a knife next

Then matches

Handed them to me and left

I sat

For so long

Becoming ink

To once be the thing he held last

He held at least

Yellow wildflowers, where is the stream

I know acrylic paint can be peeled off the canvas

So I sat, peeling

Unpinned the canvases

From their frames

Made a pile of

Our wooden frames, brushes, paints,

our memories

Took his matches,

His final parting gift

And struck them

